My Father

                                      My Father


  My Father is a man like no other. He gave me life, nurtured me , taught me , dressed me , fought for me , held me , shouted at me , kissed me , but most importantly he loved me unconditionally.  

         My father name is Nabaraj Khadka . He is 38 years old . He is a  shopkeeper. . He loves our family very much .He is very kind .He is helpful .He works  very hard for our family.He never said no for the things which we asked to him.Really my father is the super hero of my life.When  I am in problem he used to be the solution.He can do any things for us..
              There are not enough words that I can say about him. To describe just how important my father is to me, and what a powerful influences he continues to be....

         LOVE YOU DAD.💕💕


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